How to get a $360K+ yearly IT contract without an in-house sales team?

Recently a client came to us with a common pain in his niche …

ArtCoding is an IT outsourcing and outstaffing company, the company is located in Ukraine and Montenegro. The specialization of the company is business, finance, public health, insurance, and advertising.

Which business tasks did the client want to solve?

  1. To get regular contracts without an in-house sales team in the USA.

The client was faced with such “pitfalls“:

  1. Sent many messages and proposals, but they do not produce results.
  2. The lack of specialists did not allow solving the problem by themselves.
  3. The form of work does not bring the necessary income and customers.
  4. A lot of time is spent on work, but there is no result.

What technology did we choose and why?

  1. We optimized the customer profile so that the efficiency of the addition was significantly higher.
  2. We developed a system of approach to customers and ICO Owners to increase the number of interested leads.
  3. We used the site Linkedin, as a system of establishing contact with the audience, which will be of interest to us. In other words, this is our target audience.
  4. We have developed a chain of messages, which is suitable for this segment.
  5. We sent every day no less than 80 messages.

Our process with the client consisted of following steps:

1st Stage. Setup

  1. Defined the target audience;
  2. Optimized the LinkedIn profile to promotion;
  3. Prepared the company’s case (a short story about the company that helps its clients to solve the problems);
  4. Created messages for communication with the target audience;
  5. Prepared useful materials on LinkedIn`s feed for potential clients.

2nd Stage. Launch the client’s involvement system

  1. Sent a contact message to the target audience;
  2. Started nurturing communication with accepted contacts;
  3. Created a professional image in his niche with the help of useful content;
  4. Started booking and making appointments with potential clients.

3rd Stage. Launch the nurturing system (start improving relations with cold leads).

  1. Prepared the sequence of 12 messages (personal sequence of messages, invitations, calls, and proposals);
  2. Launched monthly e-mail distribution of 12 messages for warm clients after the call.


RESULT (during the year)

  1. Created the Lead Generation system for attaching clients without advertising investment just in one month;
  2. Signed the first contract by $30К in two months later;
  3. Signed the yearly contract by $360К ( $30K per/month) in three months;
  4. Has returned the investments into work with us within 3 months. It all given, we guarantee the result in a 5-8 work months.

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    SAAS FOUNDERSHeadquarters
    Helping IT Founders to generate
    a consistent flow of sales opportunities
    using LinkedIn
    OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
    Kyiv, Ukraine (UA)
    Lisbon, Portugal (PT)
    Warsawa, Poland (PL)
    Berlin, Germany (DE)
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    Ottawa, Canada (CA)
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