The 20 Popular LinkedIn Automation Tools in 2023

Today Linkedin is the best platform for professionals. If you are a business owner, marketer, HR, salesperson, or any other professional, you have to be here. It is not just a platform where more than 950 million users communicate with each other. Linkedin is an effective tool for achieving professional goals and promoting products and services. To get the best results, you must have a regular presence on the platform and engage in your expansion, constantly posting content and sending messages. But what if you’re a busy person and simply don’t have time for that? Then you just need to read our guide about Linkedin automation tools to the end.

What Is LinkedIn Automation?

Like any other social network, keeping active on Linkedin requires a lot of effort and time from users. If you are a marketer or a business owner, your time is a huge luxury and you can’t waste it on numerous hours on the social network. In this case, a service like automation comes to the rescue.

LinkedIn Automation refers to the use of software tools and bots to automate certain tasks on LinkedIn. These tools can help users increase their efficiency by automating repetitive tasks such as sending connection requests, messaging contacts, endorsing skills, and engaging with content.

With LinkedIn Automation tools, users can save significant time and effort that would otherwise be spent on manual tasks. However, it’s important to understand that this practice is generally considered unprofessional, risky, and inefficient.

Firstly, automating messages can sometimes result in generic or irrelevant messages being sent to contacts. This can create a negative impression and damage the sender’s credibility. It may also result in a lower response rate, which defeats the purpose of networking on LinkedIn in the first place.

Furthermore, automated messages carry the risk of violating LinkedIn’s terms of service. LinkedIn’s messaging policies prohibit the use of third-party apps or scripts to send messages, and any account found to be engaging in this activity can be suspended or terminated.

Lastly, automating messages takes away the personal touch that is so important in networking. Taking the time to craft personalized messages that acknowledge the recipient’s background and experience demonstrates that the sender values the relationship and is committed to building a genuine connection.

Additionally, overusing automation tools can put your account at risk of being flagged by LinkedIn’s algorithm as spammy or fake. This can ultimately lead to a decrease in the performance of your account and could even result in account suspension.

When you start using LinkedIn Automation Solutions, it’s important to consider the long-term risks and set limits on your usage to avoid any potential negative impacts on your professional image or account. Overall, it’s best to avoid automating the sending of messages on LinkedIn. Ideally, it is better to entrust the matter to a team of professionals  – the results will be much more positive and fruitful in the long run.

LinkedIn automation tools
reasonable costsome automation tools can be expensive and may not be cost-effective for small businesses or individuals
high working speeda high risk of LinkedIn penalizing or even banning the account
user-friendly interfacereducing the individuality of messages and high probability of spam
easy customizationrisk of undermining the authenticity of the LinkedIn profile, and reducing credibility
Inability to build genuine relationships with potential customers
lack of guarantee of quality and results

What are LinkedIn Message Automation tools?

LinkedIn Message Automation tools are services that help users automate their messaging on LinkedIn. These tools allow you to send personalized messages to your LinkedIn connections automatically, saving you time and effort. With these tools, you can schedule messages, send follow-up messages, and even segment your audience to ensure your messages reach the right people. Some popular LinkedIn Message Automation tools include Dux-Soup, Meet Leonard, and Linked Helper.

But don’t have any illusions about this service. Automating sending messages to Linkedin is not professional, risky, and inefficient. Like all automation tools, there is always the risk of LinkedIn cracking down on accounts that use these services. While the tool is designed to comply with LinkedIn’s terms of service, there is always a chance that using it could result in account suspension or banning, loss of connections, or other negative consequences.

Moreover, using LinkedIn marketing automation services, you lose control of your profile, as the service gets access to the actions in your account. Unlike teams of professional marketers, no automation tool guarantees the quality of work and results. So it’s not worth betting on them. It is better to use such tools as needed, emphasizing manual promotion.

Using LinkedIn Automation Tools Carefully

It’s important to use Linkedln lead generation software and tools and software carefully to avoid damaging your reputation or getting banned from the platform.

The following guidelines will allow you to be careful when using automation tools on the Linkedln platform:

  • only use LinkedIn automation tools for legitimate purposes;
  • set realistic automation goals;
  • avoid spammy behavior such as sending generic messages, adding irrelevant connections, or overusing automation features;
  • monitor your automation activity regularly and adjust your strategy accordingly based on the results;
  • use LinkedIn automation tools to gather information, but not for submissions;
  • use common sense and avoid any behavior that could potentially harm your professional reputation or result in account suspension.

The risk of being banned from the platform and losing your reputation in the marketplace for using automation services is extremely high. It is recommended that these solutions be used in moderation or, if possible, not at all. When using them, it is important to know what actions are included in the automation and not to go beyond what the platform recommends.

By following these guidelines, you can avoid damaging your reputation and make the most out of the platform.

Popular LinkedIn Automation Solutions

Let’s take a closer look at the most popular Linkedln automation tools. These solutions can help users grow their network and generate new business leads through targeted outreach campaigns.

1.      Meet Alfred

MeetAlfred is a powerful tool for selling and simplifying Linkedln marketing tasks.

Distinctive features of MeetAlfred:

  • Linkedln CRM system built into the Linkedln platform to facilitate campaign management;
  • 24/7 operation with the ability to set up at specific hours or at specific time intervals;
  • multiple campaign sequences;
  • a variety of integrations and strong analytics dashboard.

Pros and cons


  • available
  • quickly;
  • user-friendly interface.


  • high risks of banning the profile irretrievably;
  • lack of control;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

According to LinkedIn’s privacy rules, any automation tools, including Meet Alfred, are  strictly prohibited. This means that using Meet Alfred may lead to rule violation and ultimately account blocking. As a result, you risk losing complete access to your profile and all your efforts. Remember that LinkedIn is a social network built on people’s interactions. It is important to manually maintain these interpersonal connections without using tools that can create a negative impression on your audience. Therefore, do not risk your account and follow LinkedIn’s privacy rules.

  1. Dux-Soup

Dux-Soup is a popular LinkedIn automation solution that can help businesses and professionals to save time and increase productivity.

Here is the list of features of the Dux-Soup tool:

  • streamlined Lead Generation;
  • automated Visitor Tracking;
  • auto-Endorsement;
  • time-Saving Features;
  • analytics and Reporting.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • high working speed;
  • easy to use.


  • high risks of banning the profile irretrievably;
  • lack of control;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

LinkedIn’s terms of service strictly prohibit the use of automation tools, and if caught, users will be banned or penalized. While Dux-Soup tries its best to avoid detection, there is no guarantee that users will not face suspension or penalties while using the tool.

By automating LinkedIn tasks, users may lose complete control over their LinkedIn account, the connections, and the messages that are being sent to prospects. This lack of control puts the user at risk of making mistakes that may end up tarnishing their reputation on LinkedIn.

There is no guarantee that using the tool will result in more meetings or sales. Users may end up spending money on the tool without seeing any significant results.

While Dux-Soup is a useful LinkedIn automation tool, its risks and drawbacks cannot be ignored. LinkedIn users must weigh the pros and cons before deciding to use it, and understand that the risks of getting banned or losing control outweigh the benefits.

  1. Zopto

The popular LinkedIn automation solution offers a range of features that will help you generate leads, increase your email marketing efforts, and more. With the plans starting at just $215 per month, Zopto’s pricing is both fair and flexible. However, the use of Zopto has some risks that you should pay special attention to.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • advanced search filters
  • high working speed;
  • easy customization.


  • high risks of banning the profile irretrievably;
  • lack of control;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

After analyzing the features and performance of the Zopto automation tool, it is clear that this service is not an effective solution for promotion. While it may offer a range of targeting and automation options, the lack of personalized messaging and potential risks of account suspension make it a less-than-ideal choice for businesses looking to build genuine relationships with prospects.

  1. Octopus CRM

One of the most significant advantages of Octopus CRM is its easy-to-use interface, which makes it simple for both beginners and experienced professionals to use the platform. Additionally, its automation capabilities enable you to manage repetitive tasks and automate marketing activities effectively.

However, like all Linkedln automation tools, Octopus CRM has its drawbacks.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • automation capabilities;
  • user-friendly interface.


  • risk of account suspension;
  •   reduced engagement;
  •    limited personalization;
  • lask of guarantee of results and quality;
  • lack of control.

If LinkedIn detects that you are using Octopus CRM, your account may be temporarily or permanently suspended. In addition, Octopus automates your LinkedIn outreach by sending automated messages and connection requests to your prospects. This can result in reduced engagement as your prospects may view your messages as impersonal and spammy. However, Octopus CRM has limited capabilities to personalize your messages, making it difficult to stand out among the competition. The tool automates your outreach, which means you lose control over the messaging and tone used to communicate with your prospects. This can result in negative feedback and a damaged reputation. Octopus relies heavily on quantity over quality and may not deliver the results you are looking for. As you can see, working with this tool can have a negative impact on your marketing efforts.

5. Phantombuster

Let’s list the features of this popular solution:

  • it includes a browser extension that allows you to automate different LinkedIn actions like sending connection requests or endorsing skills;
  • you can build custom scripts to automate any action on LinkedIn and even integrate with other tools using their API;
  • the Phantombuster LinkedIn Automation solution allows you to share your scripts and automate processes across multiple accounts;
  • this solution is customer-focused as the Phantombuster team provides excellent support.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • reliable technical support;
  • user-friendly interface.


  • the high risk of being banned from LinkedIn;
  •   lack of control;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

Overall, while Phantombuster may seem like an attractive option for streamlining your LinkedIn outreach efforts, the high risks of getting banned, and the lack of control and quality guarantee make it an unsafe and unsatisfactory option for the LinkedIn automation tool. To avoid risking your own profile and reputation, it is better to turn to a professional team that does all the work manually and guarantees the best results.

 6. UseViral

Here’s a list of points about the LinkedIn service:

  • the ability to find potential customers based on professional activity or location;
  • businesses can choose from multiple packages depending on their needs and budget.
  • high-quality customer support to help businesses with any questions or concerns they may have.

While this tool can be very useful, it also comes with its own set of problems that users should be aware of.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • reliable technical support;
  • user-friendly interface.


  • high risk of getting banned from LinkedIn permanently;
  •    lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

Considering these cons, it is important to carefully weigh the benefits and risks of using UseViral as a LinkedIn automation tool. Firstly, the use of LinkedIn lead generation tools like UseViral is against LinkedIn’s terms of service. Secondly, this service will not be able to provide live communication with users. Finally, using an automation tool like UseViral can make it easy to fall into bad habits, such as spamming other users with connection requests or posting low-quality content in an attempt to increase engagement. Do not risk your reputation and use services that can seriously harm you. Leave the responsibility for marketing strategies to professionals.

7. SidesMedia

The service includes a range of features such as increasing the number of connections, promoting your LinkedIn profile, and leveraging the potential of LinkedIn groups.

The service is designed to cater to the unique needs of individuals and businesses from diverse industries.

The service is affordable, and reliable and comes with a range of customizable packages.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • reliable technical support;
  • range of customizable packages.


  • high risk of getting banned from LinkedIn permanently;
  •   lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

One of the biggest drawbacks is that it violates LinkedIn’s terms of service, putting your account at risk of being suspended or even permanently banned. Additionally, automation tools like SidesMedia can lead to low-quality interactions that may damage your reputation on the platform. These tools often use generic messages and inconsistent engagement practices that can make your profile appear spammy and unprofessional. Finally, using an automation tool like SidesMedia may not be the best approach for building meaningful, long-term relationships with other professionals on LinkedIn.

  1. LeadFuze

Another marketing tool for finding potential customers is LeadFuze.

Let’s look at its main features s:

  • target audience search on LinkedIn platform based on ideal customer profile;
  • integration with popular CRM systems;
  • exporting information in CSV and XLS formats.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • reliable technical support;
  • user-friendly interface.


  • high risk of getting banned from LinkedIn permanently;
  •     risk of damaging the reputation on the platform;
  • high likelihood of spamming;
  • lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

As you can see, the disadvantages of this service far exceeds its advantages. However, later you may pay for its use of your own reputation, which will be very difficult to restore. If detected, your account can be penalized, suspended, or even permanently banned from the platform. This severely impacts your credibility and ability to connect with potential clients in the future.

9. Crowdfire App

The Crowdfire App Linkedln Service allows users to schedule posts, analyze their audience, and measure the success of their Linkedln activity. Users can also easily curate engaging content for their Linkedln profile or company page.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • reliable technical support;
  • convenient usage.


  • potential damage to one’s professional reputation;
  •     the risk of account suspension or even permanent bans;
  • the difficulty of adapting messages to the specific needs and interests of the audience;
  • lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

While Crowdfire offers several features for social media automation, its Linkedln automation tool has many downsides to consider. Businesses and professionals who prioritize authenticity, professionalism, and flexibility when making connections on LinkedIn are better off sticking to the manual strategies they want for networking on this platform.

  1. Task Ant

One of the standout features of service Task Ant is the ability to add members in bulk.

With its user-friendly interface and robust features, this service makes it easy to add and manage members across all your groups in just a few clicks.

Pros and cons


  • different pricing plans available;
  • high working speed;
  • convenient usage.


  • requires some time to properly set up and configure;
  •     the risk of account suspension or even permanent bans;
  • technical glitches and bugs;
  • insecure automation practices;
  • lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

While Task Ant may at first glance seem like an effective tool for automating LinkedIn, users should consider their budget, willingness to spend time setting it up, risk of being permanently banned, and other potential risks before deciding to use it.

11. Lead Connect

Main features of Lead Connect service:

  • audience targeting;
  • sending messages to contacts;
  • synchronization of Linkedln profiles with the CRM system;
  • unlimited free plan.

Pros and cons


  • unlimited free plan;
  • high working speed;
  • user-friendly interface.


  •     the risk of account suspension or even permanent bans;
  • limited customization options;
  • insecure automation practices;
  • risk of over-automation;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

While Lead Connect may offer some customization options, they are limited compared to what can be achieved with manual outreach. Another downside of using Lead Connect is the potential for inaccurate and outdated data. This could lead to wasted time and resources trying to contact leads that are no longer relevant or interested in your products or services. While automation can help to save time, it shouldn’t replace a human touch entirely. Businesses that rely too heavily on automation risk coming across as robotic and losing the personal touch that is so important when building relationships with potential clients.

12. Somiibo

Somiibo is a premium marketing tool for social platforms. It allows you to effectively automate your actions.

Let’s take a look at the main features of Somiibo:

  • automated messaging;
  • connection management;
  • content sharing;
  • analytics;
  • target audience selection.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • high working speed;
  • user-friendly interface.


  •     using the Somiibo LinkedIn tool goes against the user agreement;
  • a risk of using it incorrectly or too aggressively;
  • insecure automation practices;
  • risk of over-automation;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

Overall, while Somiibo’s LinkedIn automation tool may seem like a helpful shortcut, the cons of using such a tool far outweigh the potential benefits. LinkedIn actively monitors and tracks users who use automation tools, and using Somiibo’s tool can be seen as a violation of their policy. Using the LinkedIn automation tool Somiibo can harm the overall user experience on LinkedIn.

  1. SocialPilot

This service was founded by Jimit Bagadia and Tejas Mehta to increase the effectiveness of social media marketing strategies.

Here are the main features of the tool:

  • planning and posting content to Linkedln profiles and groups;
  • different variations of posts;
  • multiple language support;
  • collaboration features.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • multiple language support;
  • user-friendly interface.


  •     risk of account suspension and banning;
  • limited features;
  • insecure automation practices;
  • limited targeting options;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality;
  • risk of spamming.

As with any social media automation tool, SocialPilot’s LinkedIn automation tool also has its fair share of drawbacks. Do not forget that the use of automated services can lead to negative consequences. If you do not want to get banned and value your reputation, it is better to resort to more reasonable methods, such as the manual promotion of the account by specialists.

14. LinkedProspect

The Linkedln automation service LinkedProspect provides the ability to attract potential customers online. However, you will not be able to control your customer search efforts and make the right decisions when you need to. Despite the fact that LinkedProspect has promising options, the tool has its significant drawbacks.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • reliable technical support;
  • range of customizable packages.


  • high risk of getting banned from LinkedIn permanently;
  •  lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  •    lack of personalization
  •    inaccurate targeting
  •    low engagement rates:
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

Using an automation service as the LinkedProspect can result in less customized and personal interactions with your connections. While automation tools like LinkedProspect use targeted searches, they may not always be accurate, which can lead to wasted effort in trying to connect with irrelevant people. Automated messages tend to have a lower engagement rate than personalized, human-to-human interactions. Moreover, using services such as LinkedProspect can lead to a permanent ban on your account.

  1. We-Connect

The We-Connected automation service offers users such features:

·         searching the target audience;

·         lead generation;

·        user management;

·        data retrieval with a reporting tool.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • reliable technical support;
  • range of customizable packages.


  • high risk of getting banned from LinkedIn permanently;
  •  lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  •    lacks customization options;
  •    the limited number of integrations;
  • lack of guarantee of results and quality.

Absolutely, there are significant cons to using We-Connected automation tools. The tool lacks customization options, and the limited number of integrations available may not meet the needs of every business. Additionally, relying solely on automation can decrease personalized communication with customers, which could harm relationships and diminish customer satisfaction. It’s important to carefully examine its shortcomings and understand that not only will it not cover your specific business needs, but it can also undermine your reputation.

16. Expandi

Let’s list the main features of the service:

·         integration with other marketing services;

·         ability to manage multiple accounts simultaneously;

·         automatic warm-up option;

·      a free one-week test version.

Pros and cons


  • a free one-week test version;
  • user-friendly interface.


  • high risk of getting banned from LinkedIn permanently;
  •  lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  •    lacks customization options;
  •    high cost;
  • low quality of the leads.

While Expandi offers some customization options, they are somewhat limited. For example, you can’t create highly personalized messages or customize the timing of your outreach. Expandi’s pricing plans are on the higher side compared to other automation tools, especially if you want to access some of the more advanced features. Because Expandi is an automated tool, you have less control over the outreach process than you would if you were manually reaching out to prospects. While Expandi may help you reach a larger number of prospects, there’s no guarantee that these leads will be of high quality. You may end up spending time and resources on prospects who aren’t a good fit for your business.

17. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

It’s impossible to make a complete list of Linkedln automation services and tools without one of the popular products developed by this network – Linkedln Sales Navigator.

Let’s consider the features and pluses of the service:

  • providing a free monthly version;
  • convenient and intuitive navigation;
  • segmentation functions;
  • the possibility of group messaging.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • user-friendly interface.


  • high risk of getting banned from LinkedIn permanently;
  •  lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  •    lacks customization options;
  •    inaccurate targeting;
  •  lack of personal touch.

Although LinkedIn Sales Navigator positions itself as one of the most powerful tools, its effectiveness and security are questionable. No one has canceled LinkedIn’s strict rules for its use, which prohibit data collection services. Breaching these rules can result in your account being suspended or even permanently blocked. The LinkedIn Sales Navigator automation service relies on algorithms to identify leads. However, these algorithms do not always accurately reflect your target audience, resulting in wasted time and effort. In addition, automation can lead to a flood of new leads, making it difficult to track your outreach efforts. This can lead to missed opportunities and disorganized communication. Using such services can have negative consequences, up to and including the loss of your reputation.

18. Jarvee

Jarvee Linkedln tool provides users with the ability to view their LinkedIn account’s analytics, manage their connections, and track their engagement metrics.

Pros and cons


  • reasonable price;
  • user-friendly interface.


  • high risk of getting banned from LinkedIn permanently;
  •  lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  •    lacks customization options;
  •    reduced engagement;
  •  lack of guarantee of results and quality.

While the LinkedIn automation service offered by Jarvee may seem like a convenient way to save time and increase productivity, there are several significant cons that should not be overlooked. The risk of account suspension or permanent ban is a significant concern, as is the potential damage to professional reputation and relationships. The limited effectiveness of automation also makes it a questionable investment for many users. Ultimately, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding whether or not to use LinkedIn automation services like those offered by Jarvee.

19. TexAu

Main characteristics of the TexAu service:

  • ability to track data over a specific time period;
  • a suite of tools for executing tasks and automating your day-to-day work;
  • the built-in email search and verification system;
  • the service comes as a cloud-based application.

Pros and cons


  • a free trial and a range of pricing plans;
  • user-friendly interface.


  • high risk of getting banned from LinkedIn permanently;
  •  lack of control over the actions performed by the tool;
  •    lacks customization options;
  •  lack of guarantee of results and quality.

It is important to pay attention to the potential drawbacks before implementing TexAu Automation for your LinkedIn profile. Remember that you risk your account and reputation when using this service. In addition, there is the possibility that automated messages or actions may not achieve the desired results, which will ultimately lead to a waste of time and effort.

  1. Linked Helper

Linked Helper has supported automatic profile visits and approvals, which gives you the opportunity to increase your brand awareness. But here, too, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Let’s look at the main options of this service, as well as talk about its disadvantages and advantages.

The main features of Linked Helper:

·         the ability to create and send emails;

·         segmentation of contacts according to various criteria;

·         provision of analytics and reporting.

Our guide to the popular LinkedIn Automation Tools 2023 is coming to an end and it’s time to summarize the information above. LinkedIn automation tools may seem like an attractive option for businesses looking to save time and effort while expanding their network. However, it is important to note that these tools come with several drawbacks that can significantly impact the long-term success of a business. One of the main disadvantages is the risk of permanent account banning, which can ruin the credibility and reputation of a business. Additionally, automation tools can lead to generic messaging and a lack of personalization, which can compromise the relationship-building aspect of LinkedIn.

On the other hand, there are several pros to marketing strategies that involve manual and thoughtful engagement without the use of LinkedIn automation tools. Firstly, personalization and tailored messaging can create a more human connection between businesses and potential clients. This can lead to increased trust and credibility, ultimately resulting in higher conversion rates. Secondly, taking a proactive approach and investing time in creating valuable content and engagement can demonstrate thought leadership and industry expertise, enhancing a business’s profile and authority.

Overall, while the appeal of saving time and effort through LinkedIn automation tools is understandable, it is important to consider the long-term risks and negative consequences before deciding on such a strategy.

The SaaS Founders marketing team has a proven track record of success with over 6 years of experience in lead generation. We stand out from other companies on the market in that we are the only ones who guarantee their services. We do not put our clients at risk because we do all the work manually without the use of automation tools. Only this approach is a guarantee of success in attracting quality leads and building reliable relationships with clients. With the extensive experience and commitment to top-notch service, the efforts of the SaaS Founders marketing team will be a valuable asset to any business or company looking to succeed in their industry.

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